Policy note: Lessons from environmental policy integration for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda

The need for an integrated approach to public policy-making has become a central concern as governments gear up to implement the 2030 Agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2015. There is widespread recognition that the Agenda will require shifts in how policy is devel- oped and implemented. Issue of integration features strongly in the UN resolution text, and since its adoption, governments (UN ECOSOC, 2016), NGOs (Stakeholder Forum, 2016), UN organizations (UN, 2016) and scientists (ICSU, 2017) have all advocated for integrated policy making as a guiding principle for implementing the SDGs.


  • This paper discusses how Environmental Policy Integration (EPI) lessons can be applicable to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs.
  • SDG implementation faces integration challenges along the same dimensions as environmental policy integration.
  • Major differences lie in the was the normative framework and the political will for SDGs can be configured.
  • Early observations on SDG implementation suggest that challenges might be less pronounced.

Authors of this publication

Åsa Persson , Måns Nilsson ,